PyQtGraph ImageItem

Simple ImageItem example.

This example demonstrates use of ImageItem to display image data inside a ViewBox. The image is dynamically updated via a timer and callback function.

from qtpy import QtCore
import numpy as np
import pyqtgraph as pg

app = pg.mkQApp("ImageItem Example")

Create a window via GraphicsLayoutWidget. This is a convenient way to create a window and add GraphicsItem objects in a grid layout.

win = pg.GraphicsLayoutWidget()
win.setWindowTitle("pyqtgraph example: ImageItem")

Add a ViewBox to which we’ll add the ImageItem. We’ll also lock the aspect ratio of the ViewBox so that the image’s pixels are always square.

vb = win.addViewBox()

Create the ImageItem and add it to the ViewBox

img = pg.ImageItem(border="w")

Create a stack of images from random samples.

data = np.random.normal(size=(15, 600, 600), loc=1024, scale=64).astype(np.uint16)

Initialize a QTimer to call our callback function (below).

i = 0
timer = QtCore.QTimer()

Here is our callback function called by the timer. It cycles through the stack of images, updates the ImageItem data, and restarts the timer.

def updateData():
    global img, data, i


    i = (i + 1) % data.shape[0]

Connect the timer to the callback and call the callback manually once to initialize.


Finally, show the window and run the application.
pyqtgraph imageitem
if __name__ == "__main__":

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.234 seconds)

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